Early intervention can make a dramatic impact on establishing the proper occlusal foundation. The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) and the Australian Society of Orthodontists (ASO) recommend that all children have a check-up with an orthodontist by the time they reach age 7, for early detection of any potential problems. By the age 7, some of the permanent teeth have erupted, so that most children have a mix of adult and baby teeth. At this stage of mixed dentition, we can spot potential orthodontic problems related to jaw growth and eruption of adult teeth. Some growth-related orthodontic problems are easier to correct when they are identified early…while the facial bones are still growing.
An early exam allows us to determine how and when a child’s particular jaw and/or dental problems should be corrected for the optimal results. Early treatment, or phase one therapy, may be needed to create a better environment to idealize the occlusion for the patient or possibly create an environment to alleviate treatment forever. An early orthodontic examination does not always result in immediate treatment, far from it. After evaluating your child, we may simply want to monitor your child periodically while the permanent teeth erupt and the jaws and face continue to develop.
Most orthodontic problems are ideally treated during this time. Usually, all or most permanent teeth are erupted and patients are at one of their most active phases of growth. This is a great time to correct most problems, as the jaws are actively growing and their growth can be most easily modified during this time. In order to minimize patient involvement during the treatment process, we will work very hard to maximize ideal treatment goals with adolescent patients.
Teenagers comprise the majority of patients in most orthodontic practices. At Victoria Park Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on our ability to get our adolescent patients excited and motivated about their orthodontic treatment. We have a young and energetic staff and we find that we can take our job very seriously without always having to be so serious with our patients. We understand that teenagers have concerns with how they look and how they feel about their orthodontic treatment. We offer different aesthetic options for teenagers such as traditional silver braces that can be decorated with coloured rubber bands, clear brackets, and in some instances Invisalign treatments using clear aligners.
Don’t let age stop you from having the straight teeth you’ve always dreamed of. Braces aren’t just for kids anymore. Healthy teeth can be moved at any age, and it is never too late to improve your smile. Our team works with all of our adult patients to address their individual concerns in the most efficient way possible while providing numerous aesthetic treatment options.